Persona 5: The Phantom X is the fifth installment for Android devices of the legendary Persona saga with a similar premise to the original game:...
92.7 k downloads
NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA TRIBES is a role-playing game that takes you back to Konoha and the rest of the universe created by Masashi Kishimoto...
285.9 k downloads
Black Clover M is the global version of this role-playing game where you delve into the Black Clover anime universe and live out an exciting...
191.4 k downloads
Dragon RAJA is a 3D MMORPG, set in a futuristic fantasy world. Pay attention to your surroundings though, because you might just recognize a bunch...
197.9 k downloads
Fate/Grand Order is a fantastic turn-based role-playing game where you have to fight all kinds of enemies using Servants, the powerful families that will help...
322.7 k downloads
Guardian Tales combines RPG action, puzzles and adventure -- all in equal measure. In fact, what you'll find here is not a far cry from...
219.7 k downloads
RAID: Shadow Legends is an RPG with turn-based combat where players will lead a group of legendary heroes to try to save the world of...
514.3 k downloads
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 is a role-playing game that belongs to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise (also known as Megaten), developed exclusively for smartphones...
47 k downloads
Granblue Fantasy is an Android RPG that, despite being launched in 2014, is still being played thanks to having revolutionized the mobile RPG sphere with...
107 k downloads
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is a new JRPG set in the Final Fantasy universe. In it, you'll also find some of the most characteristic elements...
158.6 k downloads